

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Manipur is a small state located in the north-eastern region of India covering an area of about 22,327 sq.Km.. Imphal, it is the capital of Manipur. The altitute of imphal above the sea level is 790 meters. The altitute of the whole state ranges between 781 meters to 2,020 meters.
Manipur had been an independent princely country till the year 1891. Which is being surrounded on all sides by ranges of enchanting hills. Manipur has natural scenic beauty per excellance. Prides of Manipur include POLO game, Manipur Dance, Loktak Lake Handloom Products, Siroy Lily,Ema Keithel(Market run exclusively by women) and the Manipur Language etc.
The present Manipur, an Eastern most tiny constituent State of the Indian union to the western boarder of the Myanmar, was an Independent Sovereign Country upto the advent of Hinduism in the beginning of the 18th century A.D., in all probable meanings of the concept of 'Sovereignty'.
The tiny country became a Hindu State after Pamheiba (Name by the Indigenous People) Garivaniwaz (by the Hindu Immigrants) became king of Kangleipak in 1709 A.D. (1714 A.D. by the English writers). He changed the Country's name of Kangleipak to Manipur, though it was not effective. But by the time of king Jai Singh Bhagyachandra about in 1760 A.D., Manipur became almost effective name of the country. One of the ugliest forms of Vandalisms during the reign of Pamheiba Garivaniwaz was Puya Meithaba in which all written documents of the country including scriptures called Puya were burnt down on the Advice of the king's Dharma Guru, Santi Das Gossai, a Bengali from West Bengal, India which was a foreigner at that point of time since Manipur was a princely State or Country.

Meeteilon or Meiteilon popularly known as Manipuri is the major language of Manipur and also its official language. Besides, it is the only linked language among different tribes and people of Manipur.

The people of this land are also term as the Manipuri. The people here are brave, ready to sacrifice for the good cause of other and peace loving peoples.

To be contd.....

Surprise to other when we talk about Manipuri!

Blog lovers!

Manipuris are peace loving peoples!!
Manipuri is a language spoken in this land!!!
Manipuri stand for people of different religion!!!!
Hoho acting on agenda scripted by Muivah :
KNewmai News Network
Dimapur, May 17: The NSCN-K or GPRN/NSCN has said today that the Naga Hoho, once regarded as the epitome of Naga ingenuity, maturity and statesmanship, has suddenly turned into a group of wanton boys throwing flaming balls into the neighborhood in accordance to the script written by Th Muivah. In a statemenmt made available to Newmai News Network late tonight, the NSCN-K said that while every Naga expects its apex body to act responsibly with sound judgment even in the most compelling circumstance, Naga Hoho has miserably failed to display maturity and elderly wisdom. The Naga Hoho is not a Naga Hoho in the truest sense of the term since it comprises less than half of the Naga tribes in the State of Nagaland. It must be answerable to Eastern Naga Peoples' Organisation (ENPO) and other non-affiliated tribes in Nagaland and other States for attempting to fan anger over a tiny issue, tarnishing the image of Nagas in the eyes of the neighbors and Naga well-wishers across the globe.The NSCN-K said that the press statements issued by the Naga Hoho recently have created wider rift among the Nagas and also created much apprehension in the neighboring States. On May 9 , the Naga Hoho, in the daily papers screamed “Manipur Government’s Open Declaration of War Against the Nagas!” said the statement and added NSCN-K or GPRN/NSCN would simply comment that only a group of men having hidden agenda would attempt to whip up people’s sentiments and emotions to suit their own interest. "True, it was unfortunate that precious lives were lost, however instead of declaring vengeance against Manipur State on behalf of the Naga people, the Naga Hoho need to first calm down and look at what had transpired preceding the incident. If Manipur Govt accuses Muivah of committing heinous crimes in the State of Manipur, does it merit the Naga Hoho to unilaterally declared war on behalf of all Nagas against Manipur State? Will it not be wise on the part of the Naga Hoho to first investigate whether the accusations against Th Muivah are fabricated or factually true? The situation was clearly planned and death, destruction of lives and property was expected. The Naga Hoho failed to exercise its wisdom and when blood was on the wall, it called for war. Understandably, innocent public were simply blackmailed and placed as shooting targets for Manipur police commandos. Who first initiated the bloody walk? Who is to be blamed?," the NSCN-K asked. Perhaps Naga Hoho has the answer, it added.It said that despite the war rhetoric of the Naga Hoho, GPRN/NSCN (NSCN-K) appealed for calm both in Nagaland and Manipur State. Nagas and Manipuris have lived together for centuries in mutual respect. There is no reason why this camaraderie and bonhomie should abruptly end. All Naga and Manipuri leading organizations must realize that a man’s entry or exit from his native village is not worth a battle let alone war. What Naga people want the Naga Hoho to do is to let the father and son solve own domestic issue, the NSCN-K said. "How many arms and man do HK Zhimomi, Naga Hoho Speaker and Mr Chuba Ozukum, General Secretary have at their disposal to wage war against Manipur Government?", the NSCN-K asked. GPRN/NSCN or NSCN-K along with all right thinking Nagas will insist that based on what they declared in the media, the duo should bear full responsibility should Manipur State resort to violence against the Nagas, the NSCN-K added. "Fortunately, both Nagas and Manipuris are matured enough people not easily taken in by highly inflammable comments of the Naga Hoho. Sixty years of political struggle against occupational forces should not be equated with petty domestic issues of Manipur State. Sovereignty of the Naga people is not with Manipur State Government. GPRN/NSCN and the Naga people understands that Mr Th Muivah visiting or not his native village in Manipur has never been, is not, will never be a Naga-Manipur problem," it said. The outfit said that the NSCN-K is shocked to read in the media about the Naga Hoho expressing gratitude to Joint Working Group (JWG), comprising of GPRN/NSCN, IM, FGN, on May 16, for supporting Th Muivah’s visit to his native village. "This is highly illogical, utterly twisted, unbecom-ing of a regarded platform. It reflects the lack of wisdom in the Naga Hoho. Therefore, the question of supporting or not supporting Th Muivah’s trip to his village in Manipur State does not arise. Such naked lies should be avoided in future. While deeply regretting the loss of lives and injury to many, NSCN-K conveys condolence to victims’ families and wishes for speedy recovery.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Manipuri

Manipuri is a language spoken in Manipur, a small state in the North Eastern India. Sometimes people living in this state are also known as Manipuri. The Manipuri language (or Meiteilon), which is one of the scheduled languages of India and spoken in some parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Manipuri uses two scripts; the first is one purely of its own origins called the Meetie Mayek while another one is a borrowed Bengali script.
Manipuri is a Tibeto-Burman (TB) language which is highly agglutinative in nature, mono-syllabic, influenced and enriched by the Indo-Aryan languages of Sanskrit origin and English. The affixes play the most important role in the structure of the language. A clear-cut demarcation between morphology and syntax is not possible in this language. In Manipuri, words are formed in three processes called affixation, derivation and compounding. The majority of the roots found in the language are bound and the affixes are the determining factor of the class of the words in the language.
-Kishorjit Nongmeikapam